Lay Bird A

Associated Press:

Also, many union leaders are grousing that the president they worked so hard to elect has not focused enough on job
creation and other bold plans to get their members back to work.


See, the main problem with Obama is not “focus.” It’s not like he’s just been just so busy redecorating the kitchen that, whoops, he forgot to pay the electric bill this month.

It’s one of priority. If the union vote is snugly assured in his pocket, and corporate and finance arms are bit more mercurial these days, but also infinitely more profitable, Obama’s dark intentions should shock no one. Whinnying that he’s just not focused enough on jobs implies somewhere in Obama’s insidiously reptilian heart, the man cares about unions, or the middle class, or you, or me. The implication is one thing, and the reality, wholly another.

Silly fucking progressives still think Obama cares about them. Hahahaha! Reference, only to be recent, the thousands of arrests at the White House sit in over the Tarsands-fueled Keystone XL Pipeline or his failure to uphold basic smog standards. This is just this week! I could go on. I don’t want to. It makes me too tired. But I could go on.

We are people, and our lives have value.

We need to come to grips with the fact Obama doesn’t care about you or me, or “progressive values.” Or Americans. Or humans.

Labor remains a core Democratic constituency and union leaders will stand with Obama in Detroit this Labor Day, where he will address thousands of rank-and-file members during the city’s annual parade Monday.

Withold your vote. Problem solved. Deal with the resultat pain of an inevitable Republican victory. Because that’s the only thing that will unite us in our struggle against the rich.

Remember the Anti-War movement under Bush?

Remember the Anti-War movement at all?


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